Monday, December 28, 2015

2016 Women's Fiction Reading Challenge

Hosted by: Kathryn T @ Book Date
Dates: January 1 - December 31, 2016

OK, forget all that I said about wanting to cut back on reading challenges in 2016 -- it was obviously just babble.

I really did argue with myself over this one, since I didn't do all that well with the 2015 Women's Fiction Challenge. I do enjoy reading that genre (sub-genre?), but haven't read much lately. And since I already own quite a few books that will qualify, the challenge fits in very neatly with my New Year's goal of reading more of the books I already own.

So, I'm signing up. I'll be going for the "Motivated" Level again (read 1-5 books) -- I think that's doable.

To read all about the challenge and sign up, visit the announcement post HERE. You'll also see a little discussion about what women's fiction actually is, and this definition from the Romance Writers of America organization who say that women's fiction is...
"...about a woman on the brink of life change and personal growth. Her journey details emotional reflection and action that transforms her and her relationships with others."
...and I think I can pretty much go along with that.

During the year I'll be tracking my progress over on my challenge blog (HERE), and on this post if I can remember.

Books read:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having another shot and it is very doable, so all the best with it.


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